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‘What is a “Pinch” of Salt?’ – Kudos Blends Debates the Challenge of Sodium Reduction

‘What is a “Pinch” of Salt?’ – Kudos Blends Debates the Challenge of Sodium Reduction

With excess sodium intake still one of the biggest contributors to sub-standard heart health, it is crucial that manufacturers look for alternatives to sodium-containing ingredients.

Australia Grants Shake Up Salt Reduction

Australia Grants Shake Up Salt Reduction

A novel approach encouraging food manufacturers to reduce sodium levels was recently launched in Victoria, Australia.

Green Light from The Department of Health for Potassium-Based Sodium Replacers

Green Light from The Department of Health for Potassium-Based Sodium Replacers

The Department of Health have recently released a joint statement from SACN encouraging food companies to explore the use of potassium-based sodium replacers.

The History of Baking Powder

The History of Baking Powder

Over the years, baking powder technology has evolved with different variations such as, single-acting to double-acting and enhancing leavening efficiency.

Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire Praises Kudos Blends for Queen’s Award

Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire Praises Kudos Blends for Queen’s Award

Kudos Blends achieve a Queen’s Award for Enterprise

Time for a Royal Celebration as Kudos Blends Wins a Queen’s Award

Time for a Royal Celebration as Kudos Blends Wins a Queen’s Award

Celebrating winning the Queen's Award for International Trade on the back of soaring international sales

Case Study
Reduce Cocoa Powder by 40% without Compromising on Quality with a Change to ZEUS™ C120 Leavening System

Reduce Cocoa Powder by 40% without Compromising on Quality with a Change to ZEUS™ C120 Leavening System

Reduce cocoa powder levels and achieve the same taste and appearance when using ZEUS™ C120 Leavening System.

Case Study
Reduce Sodium in Celebration Cakes with the Use of PELL™ K-Rise Baking Powder

Reduce Sodium in Celebration Cakes with the Use of PELL™ K-Rise Baking Powder

Discover how innovative leavening can decrease sodium levels by up to 50%, without compromising on the taste of product quality.

Case Study
Easily Remove SALP and Maintain Crumb Structure, Volume and Flavour Using OPUS™ SALP Replacer

Easily Remove SALP and Maintain Crumb Structure, Volume and Flavour Using OPUS™ SALP Replacer

Mimic the properties of sodium aluminium phosphate (SALP) in bakery goods, without the negative health impacts.

Case Study
Cut Sodium Levels in Wheat Tortillas Using KODA™ Potassium Bicarbonate

Cut Sodium Levels in Wheat Tortillas Using KODA™ Potassium Bicarbonate

Easily achieve sodium reduction in tortillas without compromising on taste with a simple switch to KODA™ 50 potassium bicarbonate.

Case Study
Boost Preservative Effectiveness in Cakes by 400% Using PELL™ Preservit Baking Powder

Boost Preservative Effectiveness in Cakes by 400% Using PELL™ Preservit Baking Powder

Explore our cost-neutral options to extend the shelf-life of cakes without compromising on product quality.

Case Study
Cut Down on Sodium in Crumpets Using PELL™ Krumpet Baking Powder

Cut Down on Sodium in Crumpets Using PELL™ Krumpet Baking Powder

Provide consistent end-product results, with the physical characteristics and flavour that customers expect; all with sodium reduction.